Modeling Penquins and a Polar bear

Together with my sister I went to a modeling workshop from CakeDutchess, it was so much fun! The left top picture is the one I made, the right top picture is the one my sister made (I made the Christmas hat tho XD) And the bottom picture is the results from all the people who were there, the third one in the frond line (from right to left) is the one from Etty herself.

We started by covering a cake dummy and the cake drum with fondant, after that we cut out the snow bit on top of the cake and stuck it on. Then the real workshop began. We started to make the polar bear! She makes modeling so easy, by making the shapes for modeling easy it is easy to follow and make it cute 🙂 After the polar bear we made some penguins, and we could make as many as we wanted. They were soooo cute and fun to make! And of course it needed some snowballs haha

Thanks again Etty for they super fun workshop! Can’t wait to go to another one 😀

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