Blueberry Cheesecake Cake

This is my birthday cake from this year! Everyone who knows me knows that I love the colour purple and that I love cheesecake from this one restaurant. So I was thinking of what kind to make and then saw this one in the Crumbs and Doilies baking book and knew that I had to make it 🥰 As the name says it is a blueberry and cheesecake flavoured cake, YUM!

Since it is a recipe from a cookbook I don’t want to tell exactly what the instructions are, but if you want to try it for yourself I highly recommend the Crumbs and Doilies baking book, it is amazing with a lot of amazing and delicious recipes!

I did change the cake flavour, I chose to make vanilla cake with a raspberry goo swirl. Which was a very good idea to me, but did I totally forget to do that with the first batch of cakes I baked? Yes… Yes, I did 😅 But oh well, it still tasted very nice as half vanilla cake and half blueberry goo swirled vanilla cake XD The components in the cake are cream cheese icing, pie crumble, blueberry goo (which is a more concentrated and thicker kind of jam), blueberry Swiss merengue buttercream and of course the vanilla cakes. 

It was my first time making cream cheese icing, and I don’t really understand why I never wanted to try it, but it was sooo delicious! Well, all the components were very delicious but man.. those frostings, yum! I loved making this cake and the end result was very pretty and tasted delicious, everyone at my birthday party really liked it. The only “criticism” was that it was quite a big piece of cake but it was too nice to not eat it all 😂 I mean that is a nice complement, right? XD

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